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Case Study

Bury Water Lane, Newport, Saffron Walden

Client: Cala Homes
Domestic Sub-contract
Duration: 130 Weeks

Tendered on specification and drawings. Greenfield development of 84 residential units being a mix of private and affordable homes ranging from 2 to 5 bedrooms. Initially the site required extensive 278 works with an existing bridleway being upgraded to an adoptable highway, existing roads being widened and pedestrian footpath installed under a S106 for the local school.

The scheme included

  • Private road / footpath and associated drainage to an adoptable standard
  • Traditional foundations / sub-structure brick & blockwork and suspended B&B floors
  • Private foul and surface water drainage to plots . Large attenuation basin with flow control, private foul water 2.1mØ pumped attenuation tank
  • Due to the incline of the site a range of retaining walls up to 2.5m high were installed to a third of the site
  • External works to shared and private driveways were typically of block paved construction